About the project

The Project ‘Promoting VET in computer, electrical/electronic and mechanical engineering to reduce skills mismatch – ProCEM’ (2021-2-HR01-KA210-VET-000050927) is funded within the ERASMUS + programme action ‘KA210-VET – Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training’.

National Agency of the Project Coordinator is the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMPEU)

Project Coordinator:  Adult Education Institution Praxis, Karlovac, Croatia

Partners in the Project:

  • ÖSB Consulting GmbH, Vienna
  • Technical School Karlovac, Croatia
  • Croatian Employment Service, Karlovac, Croatia

Total value of the Project: 60,000.00 EUR

Project duration: 20 months: March 1 2022 – October 31, 2023

Project Summary:

With the aim of improving the promotion of Vocational Education (VET) and the introduction of career counselling in technical occupations as a very important component of the education system, this Project envisages the exchange, analysis and application of good practices in three main areas: promotion of VET in electrical engineering, computer science and mechanical engineering, analysis of primary school pupils’ capacities and abilities and their orientation towards technical VET, and career counselling for VET students and young people neither in employment nor education or training (NEETs).

The aims will be accomplished through the main activities of the Project:

  • Analysis of good practice examples and field visits to Technical school Karlovac and OESB Consulting in Vienna;
  • Establishment of online multimedia tool for the promotion of technical VET;
  • Development of the concept of a digital competence check tool and self-assessment tool;
  • Development of the concept of a career counselling tool for VET students and NEETs;
  • Local communication and dissemination of project results.

The main results this Project’s activities will bring are:

  • Analysis of good practice examples of ÖSB Consulting and of Technical School Karlovac and its partners in the Regional Centres of Competences in computer, electrical/electronic and mechanical engineering;
  • Design, development and maintenance of an online multimedia tool for promotion of technical VET;
  • Development and publishing of the concept of a digital competence check and self-assessment tool of primary school pupils
  • Development and publishing of the concept of a career counselling tool for VET students and NEETs.

    Project Target groups are senior pupils/students of primary schools (5th to 8th grade), secondary school students, young learners at risk of dropping out of school and NEETs (young people neither in employment nor education or training), career counsellors, and parents.